Day 3 | Genesis 8 - 11
Wednesday, January 3

The story of God, Noah, and the Ark has been fascinating to the people of God since the oral
the tradition of transmitting the faith. The story continues...

The story has it all - broken promises, the sadness of the Creator, redemption, a faithful family,
a boat, building, lack of faith, animals 2x2, rain, wind, storms, waiting, wetlands, and dry land,
rainbows, and promises. I am constantly reminded of the John Huston epic of the 1966 film
called the Bible - the Beginning that covers the first 22 Chapters. It shaped me by
the depiction of life in the ark of animals and special effects of the day.

Beyond all the Sunday School stories of Noah and the Ark, we have God who is unhappy to the
point of wanting to start all over. God finds a faith and remarkable old man and his family
to make the land portion of the earth with animals and humans to survive and start over.

I am struck by the sadness of the Creator and God's broken heart that for the sake of the
planet that humanity needs to be wiped out. I am struck by the massive and totality of the
judgment. But then God finds Noah and sees a small glimmer of hope. WE get a do-over.

I am struck about the bargain that God strikes with himself/herself to not do this kind of
judgment again and the slow pace of movement from judge to constant and continuous 
the redemption that God sets out for himself/herself.

This flood story has been through many cultures and the seems to be in the DNA memory
of humanity but here starts us on the course of redemption and forgiveness that we all need
to do ... even today.

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